Welcome to Objective Build Applicants Module

This module is part of the Objective Build platform that delivers a consistent building consent application process across New Zealand.

You have full visibility of the progress of each consent, including the time taken to complete each step in the process, by whom and when. And you can invite collaborators to participate on applications, for all or any part of the application process, with appropriate access levels.

New: Changes to notification frequency and status information

We have reduced the number of notifications sent to applicants by notifying only significant events and removing the notifications sent for general status changes.

We have also adjusted the steps and status information shown during a project workflow to provide more meaningful status information.

Read more: What's new

Getting started

The dashboard is your starting page when you log in to Objective Build.

Use the Start an application area to create a new application or select New application from the header bar. You can start a new application at any time and work on it for as long as necessary to get it ready to submit. You can keep applications in the draft stage as long as required.

Use the Actions to be taken list to identify urgent actions to keep your applications moving through the building consent process.

Note:   Click on screenshots in these help pages to expand and view them at full size.
